Germany is going to allocate 2 billion euros over the next four years for the research of hydrogen technologies in the production of electricity, according to the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of Germany.
In particular, these are projects to explore the possibility of "hydrogen production on the high seas" at wind farms.
As part of this initiative, Germany intends to strengthen cooperation with Australia, said Education and Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger. "The idea is that in just a few years, ships would transport green hydrogen produced with the help of solar and wind energy from Australia to Germany," she said in a press release.
Germany sets itself the goal of gradually becoming independent of the supply of Russian energy resources. Oil and coal are expected to be replaced by the end of the year, and gas - by 2024.
According to the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, total government investment in the development of the hydrogen industry over the past three years has exceeded A$1.5 billion ($1.1 billion). More than A$300 million ($221 million) has been allocated by the country's authorities for the development and implementation of carbon capture and storage technologies. It is expected that over the next 30 years these investments will bring the country's economy at least A$50 billion and provide about 30,000 jobs.