Minister: Azerbaijan develops green energy to become country of green growth

JUNE 10, 2023

Azerbaijan is developing "green energy" to ensure the energy security of its partners and become a country of green growth with a clean environment by 2030, Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov said.

The minister spoke at the session on the topic "Regional development in the field of renewable energy sources: alternative ways to ensure energy security" at the Astana International Forum.

According to the minister, one of the sources of additional gas supplies from Azerbaijan to European countries in accordance with the renewed strategic energy partnership with the European Union is precisely "green energy": "The wide use of renewable energy sources allows Azerbaijan to be both an exporter of 'green energy' and increase export opportunities due to gas savings in large volumes".

The event continued with panel discussions. Companies from Kazakhstan, as well as countries represented at the event, were invited to participate in green energy and energy transition projects in Azerbaijan.