Azerbaijan, Hungary explore potential partnering on green energy projects

SEPTEMBER 11, 2023

Azerbaijan and Hungary have discussed potential cooperation on renewable energy projects, Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov said.

"As part of our working visit to Hungary, we held a meeting with Péter Szijjártó, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. During the meeting, we shared perspectives on the extensive collaboration across different sectors between our nations, discussed initiatives aimed at strengthening our trade and economic ties and explored the potential for partnering on green energy projects," the minister wrote on his page on X (Twitter).

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan and Hungary have already agreed on gas supply cooperation, and, as a result, the first flows of gas from Absheron are already in Hungary.Reklamınızı SmartBee ilə effektiv edin.

MVM CEEnergy, the largest Hungarian wholesale trader of natural gas, and SOCAR, the state oil company of Azerbaijan, signed a contract for the sale of 100 million cubic meters of gas, deliveries of which will begin in the fourth quarter of 2023. SOCAR has already started pumping the first 50 million cubic meters of gas into Hungarian storage facilities.