BP-Azerbaijan: Shah Deniz back on track following export infrastructure upkeep

AUGUST 14, 2024

BP, the technical operator of the Shah Deniz project, has announced that gas operations at the Shah Deniz field have returned to normal following the completion of planned maintenance work on the gas export infrastructure.

The maintenance, which took place from August 5 to 11, necessitated a temporary reduction in gas production at the field.

Tamam Bayatly, the public relations manager for BP-Azerbaijan, confirmed to Report that with the conclusion of the maintenance program on the export gas pipelines, gas export operations at the field have resumed their regular pace.

Earlier, Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG stated that the planned maintenance work on the gas transportation system in the section of the Southern Gas Corridor leading up to TAP had resulted in reduced gas flows entering TAP at the Kipoi interconnection point on the Greece-Türkiye border. Similar restrictions were also experienced in the supply of Azerbaijani gas via the Greece-Bulgaria interconnector (IGB) during the same period from August 5 to 11.